U.F.O Commodore 64 game

he trouble with games like
this is that they're, well so totally average that it's a real headache trying to come up with something new to say about them.
Certainly the plot doesn't exactly grab the imagination by the short and curlies. You're an ace crack super Condor fighter pilot, whose task is to save the world from the invading alien craft. You've got four lives in which to do it. Snore.
The game kicks off with an alien attack on what is supposedly New York. Well, OK-it's got a few skyscrapers, and as far as us Limeys are concerned that's probably good enough. Anyway, coming out of the
blue sky with its puffy white clouds, and zooming in over the winding country road and green pastures, are lots and lots of aliens, flying saucers, shuttle craft, knobbly objects and funny things which open and close.
Your Condor fighter zips back and forth along the bottom of the screen, zapping away like all those ancient Space Invader games. The trick is to hit the baddies before they start dropping bombs, otherwise you're caught in a snowstorm of missile which is impossible to avoid. Sure, you can put your shields up by
Fry the Big Apple
stabbing away at the space bar, but shield power is soon used up, and in any case it's difficult moving the joystick, pressing the fire button and holding down the space bar. It's not much easier if you opt to use the keyboard.
So, best thing is to sit in the centre of the screen, firing like mad, and remembering to keep an eye on the temperature level. If your weapons overheat from all that blasting, they'll temporarily seize up.
When you've cleaned up the Big Apple, your craft enters the hypersonic corridor. This greets you

Game category: Commodore 64 games

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