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Doom Dos game

Game category: Dos games

Doom is a first-person shooter video game franchise that has been around since 1993. The game is set in a science fiction/horror universe and follows the player character, a space marine, as they battle demons and other monsters from Hell. The gameplay is fast-paced and action-packed, with the player using a variety of weapons to fight their way through levels filled with enemies.

The original Doom game was groundbreaking in its use of 3D graphics and multiplayer gameplay, and it has since spawned numerous sequels, remakes, and spin-offs. The most recent entry in the series, Doom Eternal, was released in 2020 and features even more intense combat and a greater emphasis on platforming and exploration.

Throughout the series, players have faced off against a variety of demonic enemies, including imps, demons, cacodemons, and cyberdemons. The game's arsenal of weapons is also diverse, ranging from pistols and shotguns to plasma rifles and BFGs (Big F*cking Guns).

Doom is known for its fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled gameplay and has been praised for its engaging level design, intense combat, and immersive atmosphere. It has also been credited with popularizing the first-person shooter genre and inspiring countless other games in the years since its release.

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