Mimizuku saga Commodore 64 game

Some legends are lost in the depths of time, and Mimizuku's story could have been one of them...

One day, your dead ancestors wished to get back to life so they called you to come down to Yomi, the realm of the dead. The underworld.

They can't escape the underworld by themselves - you need to come and lead them out.

But you know that Izanami, the gatekeeper of the underworld, will not let you through easily. So you take the shape of an eared owl and sneak in, unnoticed.

You know the only way to free your ancestors is to offer Izanami the finest sake in return for their souls.

The greedier they were in their life, the more sake it takes to free their spirits from the underworld.

You also know you only have limited life force to get you through the underworld: each step takes away some of it.

If you run out of sake, you can sacrifice some of the life force... but will you have enough to back?


How to play

To succeed, you have to free 25 ancestors and remain alive so you can get back from the underworld

This is a hard task to complete, as with each step, your life force weakens

You don't have to free all ancestors on your path, keep an eye on your life force first, it's OK to skip a few annoying ex-family members!

Collect sake bottles so when freeing ancestors, Izanami will take some sips of sake first, and only if you don't have any sake left, your life force will be drained instead and that is not good

The greedier your ancestors were in their life, the more sake it takes to free their spirits from the underworld

You are progressing down the realm of the dead by entering tori gates spread over the area


One the top of the screen you see:

a number of your ancestors left you have to free

life force remaining

sips of sake, each bottle contains 7 samurai-sized sips of the finest sake


Use joystick in port 2. You can also use WASD keys on the keyboard.

To start a new game, press fire button or hit the SPACE BAR.

To return to the title screen, hit RESTORE key.

Game category: Commodore 64 games

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