verkeersrally Commodore 64 game


Verkeersrally - Screenshot 01

Verkeersrally is an educational game by the Dutch software house Radarsoft. This game is Dutch, but all you non-Dutch people, don’t despair! There’s an English version of this game too called Traffix. In this game you are a car driver who sets out on a mission to find a couple of transmitters scattered around the city within a certain time limit and while doing so, Verkeersrally will teach you some basic traffic rules along the way.

You start your quest at some random point within the city and the first thing you’ll notice is the immense size of the city map. Just driving around and trusting on your luck to find a transmitter would be like finding a needle in a haystack, so there are some things, which can help you to find them:

Signal signs: scattered around the landscape are some signs with an arrow on them, which is pointing in the general direction of the transmitter. This only lets you know the direction in which you should travel, but it doesn’t tell you how far. For this there are:

Sonars: in some neighbourhoods you will find a sonar-house. When you enter these, the sonar will determine the distance between you and the transmitter, so you’ll know if you’re virtually on top of it or if you’ve still got to burn more rubber.

Puzzles: you can also find puzzle-houses, in which you will find a picture of the direct surroundings of the transmitter. Maybe you’ll recognize a building or another landmark which you have seen before or you can look for a:

District map: which shows you a map of a huge part of the city on which you can look for the little puzzle peace you’ve seen in the puzzle-house.

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Whoever thinks this game is just a matter of racing around the city and finding some transmitters is wrong. You are one of the participants in the city traffic, so you should drive your car in a responsible and safe matter! Breaking the traffic rules will cause time-penalties. For example, causing an accident will cost you 30 penalty seconds, driving on the wrong side of the road will set you back 40 seconds and driving through a red light will cost you a whopping 50 seconds, so beware! And since Verkeersrally is a Dutch game, you should drive on the right side of the road. For those living in a country where driving left is a normality, the game Traffix will let you do that.

And there’s more to take into account. This game being so incredibly realistic, driving your car through a huge city will consume petrol. So once in a while you will have to fill up your supercar, so you can continue your quest.

While driving through the city you will be asked to answer a traffic related question at some random points. This question will always show a traffic situation with some vehicles, having you to click on the vehicle, which has the right of way. This is the educational part of the game, which will teach mainly the younger player (although, I hope so anyway) something about participating in daily traffic.

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So, Verkeersrally may not be the action-packed racing game you might expect from a game which has the word “rally” in its title, but it is still a very enjoyable puzzle-game, which will make you a traffic-expert along the way too. Good fun!

Game category: Commodore 64 games

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