tigermission Commodore 64 game

In the relentless skies of Tiger Mission, Kele-Line presents a visually stunning yet frustratingly challenging shoot-'em-up experience. The game puts you in control of Brett Johnson, a strike-helicopter pilot on a mission to obliterate the enemy's Tiger Class aircraft carriers. The battlefield unfolds across four vertically scrolling levels, each presenting a daunting defense network of tanks, ships, submarines, and gun emplacements.

Nick Kelly acknowledges the game's clean graphics and Eurosynth-type soundtrack, highlighting the neat shadow effect as the helicopter hovers above. However, he doesn't shy away from expressing the game's steep difficulty curve. Limited firepower and an unforgiving enemy make survival a daunting task, exacerbated by the need for precision landing on an X-shaped pad at the end of each stage.

The frustration intensifies as progress is reset to the beginning of a level upon losing a life. Kelly notes the potential boredom for skilled players, emphasizing the lack of real progression in later levels. While recognizing the attempt at innovation, he suggests that Kele-Line's zeal for toughness may have overshadowed user-friendliness, potentially alienating players.

On the other hand, ZZAP! 64 delivers a more critical assessment. They find Tiger Mission lacking in originality, describing it as formulaic tedium in the saturated genre of vertically scrolling shoot 'em ups. The pace is criticized as slow, and the in-game soundtrack interferes with the overall action. The landscapes are deemed plain and uninteresting, with the chopper's shadow failing to provide a sense of depth.

ZZAP! 64 appreciates the slick and glossy programming but regrets its allocation to a game that doesn't break new ground. While acknowledging the game's addictive nature, they underscore issues like the sluggish chopper speed and the frustration of restarting levels upon death. Ultimately, they recommend exploring other options in the genre before settling for Tiger Mission.

In summary, Tiger Mission impresses with its graphics and attempts at innovation but struggles to balance challenge and enjoyment. Its visual appeal and presentation receive praise, but the formulaic gameplay and punishing difficulty may deter all but the most dedicated shoot-'em-up enthusiasts.

Game category: Commodore 64 games

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