The Mystery of the Nile _FLT Commodore 64 game

"Mystery of the Nile" is a high-tech adventure game by Firebird, available for £7.95 on cassette and £12.95 on disk, complete with joystick and keyboard controls. Set in the Arabian desert, the narrative follows the nefarious Bedouin, Abu-Sahi, who aims to sell the coveted Jewel of Luxor to the notorious Baron von Bloefeldt from South America. To thwart these plans, Al-Hasaan, a loyal Egyptian, seeks the help of American adventurer Nevada Smith and his student assistant, Janet Dwight.

Loaded with a sense of humor and infantile graphics, Mystery of the Nile is surprisingly playable. The characters humorously shuffle around to let the player take the lead, adding an entertaining element. Priced at £8, a good sense of humor is recommended.

Despite lacking the engrossing and addictive qualities, the game offers fun, mainly attributed to its comical scenario and subpar graphics. The sprites resemble cardboard cutouts, and the backdrops are reminiscent of something from a cereal box. Despite its drawbacks, Mystery of the Nile doesn't belong to the Silver range, missing the reward and enjoyment found in Firebird's more budget-friendly titles.

The action unfolds in Luxor's bustling market, where Janet navigates through stalls and buildings. Players control each character independently, with a numbered key assigned to each. The trio embarks on a quest to foil Abu-Sahl's plans and recover the Jewel of Luxor, facing challenges in various settings, from the desert and military base to the pyramids and a moving train.

The game incorporates a 'save position' feature, activated every ten screens, providing a password to resume progress. This proves essential, given the game's tendency to send players back to the beginning upon losing all lives.

Each character possesses unique skills and weapons, adding a strategic element to the gameplay. Players must determine the best character for specific situations, discovering their individual strengths and abilities. Additional team members join as the player progresses, and traditional gameplay mechanics prevent moving to the next screen until objectives are achieved.

Graphically, Mystery of the Nile impresses with large, well-depicted characters, and bright, varied screens. While the scenery is visually appealing, the game often resorts to the familiar ladders and platforms format. The music, reminiscent of a fairground organ, enhances the overall experience, though it's absent during gameplay, leaving sparse sound effects.

Developed by Spanish programmers, Firebird praises Mystery of the Nile for its lively and challenging gameplay. The game, while not without its quirks, stands out as an engaging and valuable addition to Firebird's catalog, showcasing the developers' prowess. Overall, Mystery of the Nile receives positive feedback for its entertainment value and playability.

Game category: Commodore 64 games

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